Join us for a special bonus episode of Reading With the Lights Off where we do a deep dive into feminism and romance novels. Willow Sanders is romance author and a scholar of literature and communication.
The mythical orgasm, puritans really messed us up, Charlotte Bronte and subversive feminism, f*ck the patriarchy, changing trends in publishing, and BDE.
Willow Sanders has several books available on amazon including Beard on Tap and Thirst Trap! Follow her link tree below to find all of her titles and interact with her online!
Willow has always had a penchant for weaving tales. Whether it was horror stories for her bunkmates during sleep away camp, or full blown novels, the written word is always something that Willow has been drawn to. After years of debating whether or not her stories were good enough to be seen by anyone other than people required by blood to tell her they enjoyed them, she has finally made the leap into self-publishing.
When she isn’t writing (in the physical sense- as stories are always brewing in her head in some form), she can regularly be found feeding her coffee addiction at the Green Mermaid (otherwise known as Starbucks). She is also a voracious reader and is quite certain that there is a glitter encrusted picture frame bearing her headshot somewhere on the wall at Amazon that says “this woman pays our salary.” You can also find her frequently stalking Goodreads, Pinning, FaceBooking, or hanging out on the Twitter.