Podcasts &
Thought Leadership
Feminism & Romance: A Match Made in Fiction
Despite its popularity and continued success, Romance has a bad rep, one that doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. Willow Sanders breaks down what makes people turn their noses up at romance books, why the stigma persists, and how the genre of love empowers women.
Romancelandia – The Real #Bossbabes
(Without the Manufactured Hype)
Multi-level marketing crazes preach empowerment and girl bossing. But what about romance – the home of #Bossbabes literally writing their own rules and learning the value of lifting each other up.
Indies Fully Booked: Romance Stigma with Willow Sanders
Romance still has a stigma attached to it in wider book-loving circles. Kate and Ali discuss the misconceptions of the genre and chat with author guest Willow Sanders. You can find Willow Sanders on Tiktok and Instagram.
Reading With the Lights Off: Meet Author Willow Sanders
Join us for a special bonus episode of Reading With the Lights Off where we do a deep dive into feminism and romance novels. Willow Sanders is romance author and a scholar of literature and communication. The mythical orgasm, puritans really messed us up, Charlotte...
Willow holds dual degrees in English and Literature (with an advanced focus in the British Romantics amd Feminist Theory) in addition to a Master’s in Human Communication. As a twenty-year, award-winning marketer, her areas of expertise are expansive. She’s worked for some of the largest radio stations in the industry, in addition to work in academia and the public sector. Please contact her if you are interested in discussing a speaking engagement. Most presentations can be tailored to specific goals and outcomes. Willow is currently Phoenix based, and can present in person or virtually.
Her areas of expertise are:
- Marketing
- Building and Maintaining an Audience
- Social Media (broad-based or platform-specific)
- Author Branding
- The Power of Being Your Authentic Self
- Communicating with Authenticity
- Book Covers & Design
- Market Research
- Creating a successful book launch
- Feminist Topics
- The Stigma of Romance