by Willow | Sep 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
OKAY. So I know I said I was going to post these like IDK forever ago. But, well, life. It happens. So let’s talk Phoenix Rising Author event and how AMAZING it was. Guys, I was literally in full panic attending this event. Because there were ~authors~...
by Willow | Aug 2, 2017 | Announcements, Blog
So I updated my website. YAY. Its only taken two years for me to do it. I got tired of porting over all my old blog posts.. I’ll get to it eventually… maybe. TBH I have bigger fish to fry than bringing over old content from my crappy little WIX site....
by Willow | Jan 1, 2016 | Announcements
So, guess what? Dirty Little Secret is entering the world of paperback books! I’m SUPER excited to be able to see my “baby” in print. I practically tackle the UPS guy every day looking for the package that contains the first batch hot off the...
by Willow | Nov 22, 2015 | Blog
It is so strange how characters seem to take the rug out from under you sometimes. I had so many plans for Ivy… I had an OUTLINE. An OUTLINE people! I’m a panster, Im not a planner. But because this was a “sequel,” and I wanted to make sure...
by Willow | Nov 20, 2015 | Blog
My NaNo novel – also known as Ivy’s story, sits at about 35,000 words. That means in 15,000 words I will “Win” nano. However, I know how verbose I am, heck if you read Dirty Little Secret, than you know how verbose I am too (it was about 100K...